He tilts your chin up, and looks deeply into your eyes. You notice the things you haven’t notice before. Like his eyes are really light brown, that his nose has a faint mole on the right, and that his cheeks actually blush. And then you look down. You see the red, almost heart shaped lips, then you notice that he’s looking at your lips too. You shy away, afraid that he may see how imperfect
you are. But no, he holds your chin up, and smiles at you. Butterflies rapidly form in your stomach, and your heart beats loud you’re afraid that he might hear it. He then leans in, and you automatically shut your eyes. He chuckles, and when you open your eyes he’s smiling at you.
“You.are.beautiful” He whispers, his hot breath touching your lips.
He looks into your eyes again, and then finally swoops down for the kiss. Your eyes close dramatically, as you melt like ice cream on a hot summer day. You feel his soft lips that’s almost like marshmallow. You don’t know what to do, but like instinct you kiss back. You run your fingers along his curly hair, and you smile in the kiss. You don’t just feel fireworks. You feel love. You feel it pouring from his lips, the warm, untamed love. When he pulls away you feel disappointed, but that quickly changes when he presses his forehead on yours. He kisses you nose, and holds your hand like how Tarzan did when he met Jane. In this moment, it’s perfect.
Heart warming isn’t it? We all dream that our first kisses start that way. But as cruel as reality is, it doesn’t work out that way. Some are fortunate, but for us regular folks we have our first kisses in either the most awkward way possible, or the most shocking way. So for those hopeless romantics like me, here are different types of first kisses that I have noted down from friends and online confessions. To be specific these are kisses on the lips by people who aren’t included in your family.
Sloppy Joe- Imagine a fish. Slimy, gross and has its mouth open. Now imagine having that as your first kiss. The poor guy has been nervous as hell during your date, has slippery hands and has been sweating a lot. When he leans in for a kiss he excuses himself to sneeze or he just sneezes at your face. But since you’re excited, you don’t mind. And when he finally kisses you, you now know why you have to cook a fish before you eat it.
Smack Macky– Now this kiss is just plain evil. It’s over before it even began. The dude steals a kiss, and not in a romantic way. He literally has stolen your first kiss, scarring you for life. But if the guy is your crush/dating you, you’re kinda lucky. Some unfortunate souls had their first kiss by a complete stranger! Talk about stranger danger.
Morning Manny- This kind of kiss usually happens during sleepovers and camping. You’re sleeping soundly, and all of the sudden you wake up face to face with a guy. And for some apparent reason, your lips are within kissing range. Before you could vavoom your way out of there, the guy moves, causing the two of you to lip lock your way into losing the virginity of your lips. Now that’s harsh.
Accidental Ace- Just like Smacky Macky, this may come from a total stranger. Now we can all imagine this kiss as we’ve read this a lot and seen this in movies. You’re just doing your own thing, you trip at someone and both of you come tumbling down. The next thing you know both of your lips are together, and you’re too shocked to move. You may think this only happens in movies, but I tell you, it has happened in real life.
Mismatch Mark– You know how sometimes you kiss someone’s cheek? Well imagine you’re kissing someone’s cheek at the same time that guy tries to kiss you on the cheek too. The catch? Both of you try to kiss on the same side. The outcome? Both of you kissed each other on the lips instead of the cheeks. Now this has happened to me, fortunately with a close girl friend. But how about those who got kissed by someone they met, or even their boss as they greeted each other? Awkward? Yes. Irreversible? No.
Spark-less Sam- Now this guy planned everything. He got you a nice reservation for a table for two, both of you danced, ate and had fun. Just as he walks you to your door, he smiles at you. You know you’re going to get kissed. He then leans down, and finally he kisses you. He pulls away, looking at the floor. He holds your hand, and looks at you with a sad smile. “I don’t think this is going to work out. I didn’t feel any spark. I’m sorry.” He then walks away and gives you a small excuse for a wave. You stand there dumbfounded, scratching your head, and walk inside. Since when was is that the guy looked for sparks?
Tongueful Tate- Now this is Sloppy Joe but on a less level. Or worse. You decide when you kiss a guy for the first time and he sticks his tongue down your throat like he’s giving you resuscitation. Hell, even first aid isn’t like that. He seems to be brushing your teeth too. Now all you need is mouthwash and maybe a bit of brainwash and you’re good to go.
Devious Daniel- The name says it all. It’s that creepy guy who has a thing for being a girl’s first, and he does these evil plans to be the first to taste. He may kiss you when you’re happily dozing off to dreamland, or he leans into your side and calls your name. SMACK! You’d never know what’s coming. Shame on these guy, they deserve to be smacked too. In the head. With a hardbound book.
Bad-breath Brad- Now this guy has no respect for you or himself. He kisses like he hasn’t heard of breath mint, and he isn’t ashamed. Some girl have actually barfed, cried and had nightmares. Nah I’m just exaggerating. They didn’t cry.
So far, these are the kind of first kisses that I know of. Not that I tried them all! No offense to those guys who are named the same with my classifications. I know your face is scrunching just imagining these kisses, and I’m afraid I’m about to throw up too. But before we head to the bathroom and empty our stomachs, what was your first kiss like?
Category: imperfect is beautiful
Writing Prompt – Happiness is..
The internet is a beautiful thing. It has the cure for every little thing-even a case of writer’s block. For me, it wasn’t really writer’s block. I wanted to write, but I just didn’t have any idea what to write about. So as I was surfing the net, I found this beautiful site, aptly named as Language is a virus. And as I clicked on the Generate New Writing Prompt button, I got a new list every time. And now I’m on the site every time. Most of them are really helpful, some are funny and I get a rush every time I finish one. My favorite one, is write 10 sentences starting with Happiness is.. here it is. π
- Happiness is a beautiful love song that plays that just lifts your spirits. It makes you feel giddy as the song plays as if it was for you. Just like this one.
- Happiness is finding five pesos after enduring hours of being so hungry. Your stomach grumbles but you know you don’t have enough money. And out of nowhere, a shiny five pesos! Now you can buy bread! (pan de sal anyone?)
- Happiness is hearing your favorite song on the radio and just belting out the lyrics like some crazy person. You feel free as you do that dance you do when no one’s watching.
- Happiness is receiving a warm hug after you’ve been crying. You feel that certain warmth seep through your body after crying so hard. Your tears dry on the person’s shoulder, as they say sweet words to calm you down.
- Happiness is staring into someone’s eyes and you see their pupils dilate. And that someone is your crush.
- Happiness is getting a good grade for something you worked hard on. You just want to fist pump the air and hug your professor so hard they might consider failing you.
- Happiness is tasting your favorite ice cream after having a cough for a month. The way the taste melts in your mouth, the way it rolls down your throat.
- Happiness is going through your old things, remembering the memories that went with it. Whether good or bad, or something stupid you did then, you know those memories became the reason why you are the way you are.
- Happiness is seeing your family happy. Their happiness radiates toward you, and you can’t help but smile with them.
- Happiness is laughing so hard with your friends that your stomach and cheeks hurt. But you just can’t stop laughing.
My morning thoughts
Everyday I wake up, with the urge to slip back into dreamland. But reality awaits, beckoning me to take my character in the worldwide play of life. I sit up, and glance around my surroundings. Light was streaming down from the windows, illuminating the room. I notice that as usual I am the last one in bed, a result of sleeping late. As I take my first few steps of my day, I search for the familiar faces of my blood-kin, and I kiss them with affection, thankful that they too were blessed with life.
I slowly make my way to the kitchen, eager to fill my starved stomach with blessings that came from the people who made it happen. Having had my fill, I walk upstairs and open my laptop. I pick up my phone as my computer welcomes me with that familiar Windows music. As I scroll through the messages from my ever reliable cell phone, I smile when I read morning messages from him. I hug myself, thinking how lucky I am with everything that I have.
Sometimes I just pause with everything I do, and I think. I find myself daydreaming, staring off to space. I think about life, that no matter how bad or good my day will go, I am still ultimately blessed. That He gives me all that I need, though I may not always get what I want. As Morgan Freeman said, “But since when does anyone have a clue about what they want?”
How about you? Do you stop and think about the things in your life? Do you think about how lucky you are? Even just reading this essay is lucky. Having a computer, having an internet, even waking up in the morning. The next time you feel like you’re nothing, stop and reflect. If you’re nothing, would God have woken you up today? If you’re nothing, why would He give you the gift of reasoning? Desiderata says: You are a child of the universe. You have the right to be here.
When you feel unloved and alone, count your blessings. As the song goes, you’d fall asleep before you finish counting. π
Piggie vs the wolf
Obesity has really reached its limit, and has blown up everywhere. But we all know we’re not talking about body fat here. The Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF), otherwise known as “Pork Barrel” which was supposedly for the projects for the benefit of the taxpayers, has drastically blown up from the pockets of politicians. And the aftermath is disastrous. I don’t need to elaborate on how PDAF was started, or what has happened that caused so much alarm because you have the liberty of reading it in the newspapers and other websites.
I am writing however, to those who have the ability to make a change but are too lazy to do so. I am writing to those who act enraged, and yet they quiver at the thought of doing something. To my fellow Filipinos, today, August 26, is a day that we have allocated to show how much we are insulted by the acts of the people we voted for. Your voice is as important as any others. I say to you, stand up. These people whom we trusted to lead our country have pocketed so much that it has blown up in their faces. They have given us the choice to hate them for taking something that wasn’t for their benefit. For years they have blinded us, for years they have been telling lies. And now that we finally have the hard evidence that would suffice our thirst for justice, let us act on it.
My fellow Filipinos, young and old, we are the wolf. We are stronger than them. They are the worthless pigs who greedily take what they can get from those who they thought could not think for themselves. Let us prove them wrong. Today, the victims become the predator, moving to catch the prey. We shall huff and puff until they blow away. In this story, we shall get a just ending. We will drive this piggies into the hell hole where they deserve to be. They need to know that we are not okay with what they have done, that we are not helpless.
Make a stand! Take your part in the million march to dispose of something that was abused by those pigs! Make them feel the rage! Scrap pork barrel!For those who could not make it to the rally, make your waves through social media. Make this you profile picture for today.
Reading hangover
Life and Writing for dummies
After writing for about seven years, I’m still a dummy. So I research day in and day out about things that could help me improve. So one day I found this list by Jack Kerouac, entitled βBelief and Technique for Modern Prose: List of Essentials.β It was dated in the 1950’s, and most of the things that were listed were really timeless. And so I was inspired to
make my own list, but with a twist. I wrote 30 things I’ve come to realize in my life and with writing too. My list consists of things I’ve gathered through my whole life from mentors, books, and from being observant. And now may I present, Life and Writing for dummies. π
- Write your life with a pen, not with a pencil. Learn from mistakes, don’t try to erase them.
- Make lists.
- Never fear rejection.
- When all else fails, drink a cup of coffee. And pick up your pen again.
- Inspiration can come from the simplest things. Even from a simple text message.
- Find the magnificent beauty in silence.
- Never settle for simple. Life’s too complicated to give you simple.
- Write. And write again. Keep writing till your heart runs out of ink.
- Don’t just write what you’ve experienced. Reach for the unknown, grasp a shooting star, ride that magic carpet and venture into a new world.
- Enjoy the little things.
- Do something foolish. Learn to ride a bike with no hands. Eat street food. Fall in love.
- Love yourself. Even that little mole on your toe.
- When you write, write for one person. If you want to make everyone happy then be a clown.
- Be comfortable with who you are. Awkwardness is not a cute trait.
- Never give something in half. You’d only get half in return.
- Give compliments and mean it. You’d never know how much it would mean to the receiver.
- Keep a diary. if it’s too much, at least bring a notepad to write the best or worst moments.
- Try to be nice. The reason why bad people exist is because it’s easier. Being nice is a challenge. Take it.
- Don’t try to change the world. Because how you see it may not be the same with other people.
- Fall in love. It doesn’t have to be romantic love. You can love music, art and other non human things. Just find something that makes your heart melt or skip a beat.
- Write. Rewrite. Print it. And read it. Then rewrite again if necessary Mistakes can’t easily be detected with first glance, so read your work over and over until you’re contented.
- Try something new everyday. Eat something you’ve never tried. Learn a new instrument. Read a new book.
- Bring a small notepad and a pen with you EVERYWHERE. The most brilliant ideas don’t always come when you’re at home safe and sound.
- Read the Desiderata.
- Write everyday. Write a thousand words. Or maybe just five hundred words. If all else fails, at least a hundred words. If you still can’t do it, write gibberish.
- Free write. It’s psychologically proven that if you free write before an exam or a hectic day, it makes your mind sharper and makes you feel lighter.
- Fall in love. Fall out of love. Fall in love again. Just make sure you do it the most poetic way you can.
- Pray. No matter what religion you’re in, pray.
- Free yourself once in awhile. Dance to a random music. Sing loudly (even when you’re out of tune).
- Never forget all those who helped you when you were down. They’ll help keep your feet on the ground when you’re on top of the world.
Sweet dreams
How to read :)
We’ve become more of a “visual” generation, who has the attention span of a goldfish (9 seconds) who needs “music”, “colors” and other “moving” things to keep us entertained. I say it’s pretty pathetic. We are all hanging by the wire, clinging to an electricity charge that flows through our wires. And while we fry our brain while playing video
games, burying ourselves in social networking, sticking our eyes to the television, while the works of Shakespeare, Dan Brown, Paulo Coelho, and all the other brilliant writers are stuck in a bookshelf waiting to be read. So to those teens who are willing to give up their game consoles and other gadgets for even just an hour of reading, here’s how to read:
Pick a good book. Pick a book that perks your interest. Books have different genres, like:
Don’t break a writer’s heart
Don’t break a writer’s heart, because she’ll remember every little detail about you.
Don’t break a writer’s heart, because she’ll write about you. She’ll write about your weird personality. She’d write about how you snore at night and how it fills the dark room with a monstrous sound escaping your lips. She’d write about every moment you made her cry, like that day when you forgot to call her even when you knew she was sick. She’d write about the times you flirted with other girls in front of her, how you made her feel like there was a competition for your attention.
She’d even write about how oily your face was, and how her lips would feel slippery after she kisses your cheek. She’d write about the times you hands felt clammy, and how she would just wipe her hands on her pants after you held hands. She’d write about your bathroom voice, the way the earth seemed to shake when you sang that high note of “I will always love you”. Writers love to exaggerate, they just go over the top.
She’d tell about the times she cried when you’d cancel your date, only to find out you went to the bar with your friends when you stupidly post pictures on Facebook. She’ll exploit every flaw and every failure, her heart slowly mending with every word while you become a fictional monster character in her poems and stories.
Don’t break a writer’s heart, because she can make you fall in love with her again. She’ll write stories about how you met. She’ll write about how it felt on your first date, the way you opened the car door for her. She’ll write about the way you made a move to kiss her cheek, but she moved her face at the same time and both of you ended up sharing your first kiss. She’d write about the crazy things you did for her, like doing a harana in front of their house. She’d write about how your voice made the dogs howl, but it made her smile never the less.
She’d even write about the time both of you were sitting down and watching the sun set, your arms around her shoulder. She’d write in detail how she perfectly fit on your shoulder, and the way you’d sniff her hair in a funny way. She’d say the things she wanted to say to you, like she never had any other crush since she fell for you. She’d send butterflies into your stomach, remembering each moment. She’ll pour out every amazing moment, and while your heart breaks in two, her heart strengthens and hopes for a better tomorrow. You’ll be a knight in shining armor, the one who saves her at the end of a grueling day.
Don’t break a writer’s heart, cause it will be both heaven and hell.
Don’t break a writer’s heart, because goodbye might be the last thing you’d ever tell.
Don’t break a writer’s heart, because she’d make you eat your words.
Don’t break a writer’s heart, because doing that would just be absurd.
Don’t break a writer’s heart, because soon you’d just be another character in her stories.
Don’t break a writer’s heart, because she can easily heal before you could say sorry.
Trust me, I know. I’m a writer after all. π
How I know we’re best friends..
You know how I know we’re best friends? Because I remember the day we met each other(again). June 2009. That day when we found out we were classmates, and you just transferred back to the school. We went to our rooms together, getting lost a bit. I remember that when we reached our room they were done saying prayers, and we stealthily went in.
I know we’re best friends because you’re honest, brutally telling me things that normal friends won’t say. You tease me about the things I’ve done wrong in the past, yet you say it in a way that makes me laugh. You always tell me what I’m doing wrong, making me learn about things along the way. You knock some sense into me when I get too tangled up in my daydreams.
I know we’re best friends because you support me all the way and I do the same. Somehow you know what I could do, and you support me through it all. And I know you could conquer the world if you wanted to, and you’ve got be behind you all the way.
I know we’re best friends because you’re “trending” in my high school diaries. Seriously. Since second year til we graduated, you’re in there. You’ve read most of it, and you’ve even written remarks on it. Reading it all over again today makes me want to laugh, and I’m glad I shared those memories with you.
I know we’re best friends because in most of my “novels” in high school, you were the best friend character. You’re always the one my character runs to when in need of advice. Just like in real life.
I know we’re best friends because we take everything from each other without permission. And I mean everything. From pens, to gadgets and the most dangerous crime of all, food.
I know we’re best friends because most of my best memories in high school was spent with you. All the laughs and tears you saw, some were even because of you.
I know we’re best friends because even though we aren’t affectionate towards each other, we’re still close as close can be.
I know we’re best friends because we both know that no matter what happens we can depend on each other, even when we’re miles apart.
I know we’re best friends because every time you come home, it’s like you never left.
So on your 18th birthday I’d just like to say,
that I’ll be here for you all the way.
That though we may not see each other as much as we want,
we can still count on each other for a rant.
So Ms. Sharmaine Bungabong,
Our story is better than any other song.
I love you to the moon and back,
You’re my best friend,
and that’s a fact.