Meeting aliens like me

When you’ve been a loner all your life because you prefer books more than people, it’s such a breath of fresh air when you meet aliens like yourself.

For me, I met them on May 26, 2014.

They didn’t come in a space ship, nor did they come with trumpets blaring my eardrums off. No. They were in normal clothes with their almost human faces.

They clearly made their work speak for themselves.

The 21st Iligan National Writer’s Workshop was – for the lack of a more exaggerated word- simply electrifying. Gathering writers who were just starting to make a name for themselves and writers who already have a stand in the literature world was like entering into a room with creativity palpable in the air.

It felt like I was on cloud nine actually.

Someone loves me up there, because that person granted me the wish I wanted ever since I was that bullied little kid. 

I wished for people I could relate to.

I couldn’t believe that there were people out there who shared the same weird thoughts as me, who were as curious as I was about the world. People who understood what it was like to just pour everything out onto the page. 

And even though we spent the workshop criticising everyone’s work, the pointers and suggestions people made were more than helpful to each and everyone of us.

The panelists? Don’t get me started on them. They were ruthless, honest, and downright helpful. They made us see our work in a different light. They were a breed of their own, each with their own right to be sitting in front of us and ripping our work as painfully as they could. Their background and knowledge of literature that was so vast that all I could do was stare in awe.

As for the other fellows? They brought out my inner extrovert, even for just a week. They were just a group of people who seem to be pieces of my life I never knew I was missing. It was my first time interacting with people who aspired to be a real writer like me. Each of them came from somewhere, each with their own story to tell.

Those six days in Iligan were days that would forever be imprinted in my mind. I just hope I get to see them all again!

So now I will write MORE. I’d definitely be fulfilling my motto. Which is to write until my heart runs out of ink 😉

My 50th blog post :D

Eeeeep! I can’t believe it. After I started my blog in 2011, I honestly didn’t know what to do. At that time I was just entering college, a realist optimist fifteen year old. I had a lot of drafts, but I never published them. Just then, last May 14,2012 I began to write again. I posted random thoughts, mostly about things I’ve experienced or learned. And now, I can’t believe that I’ve reached the fiftieth! I

 know it’s not that big of a stepping stone, but hey, I love the little things. I just want to say thank you for all those who have read, commented and cheered me on. I thank my mom for her support and critiques, my friends who like my posts, to those readers that I don’t know but I love so much, to Anthony who read my posts before anyone did, to Ma’am Jessa Amarille who taught English 5 last sem which inspired me to write every week, to the Facebook groups, to everyone else who inspired me and of course Him. Thank you so much. I have much to learn, I have much to achieve. I won’t talk about anything specific here, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. 

And it’s fairly apt that I post this on the last day of August, seeing as it this month has been the best month for my blog. I have developed immensely, have written and posted whenever I felt like it, and I’ve reached 6k views! 😀

To those who want to read more, here they are!

  1. Love as a risk.
  2. eleven minutes by Paulo Coelho
  3. Fling Love
  4. Love is acceptance
  5. Me Amore ♥
  6. My wedding day ♥
  7. The little things
  8. for the love of teddy bears
  9. Farewell, Doplhy.
  10. What if?
  11. Walkie-talkie
  12. Yesterday’s tragedy
  13. Illusion
  14. The light
  15. YOU ♥
  16. growing old with you ♥
  17. Land of mirrors
  18. Complete
  19. Shedding hope (how to cry)
  20. Ale, pabili nang boto. (Can I buy a vote?)
  21. For the love of BACA
  22. Election madness!
  23. LDR (long distance relationship)
  24. Jeepney people
  25. Fusion Crew
  26. Bully Acceptance
  27. A writer’s first: Interview
  28. Ms. Tippity Toe
  29. Peace and quiet at Kalanggaman Island
  30. The necklace
  31. The internet and death
  32. Crumpled Paper
  33. What’s in a name?
  34. The SONA and the youth
  35. Red String of Fate
  36. Someone asked me about you
  37. How I know we’re best friends..
  38. Confessions of a University Scholar
  39. What happens after goodbye
  40. Don’t break a writer’s heart
  41. Super twins
  42. How to read 🙂
  43. Sweet dreams
  44. Life and Writing for dummies
  45. Reading hangover
  46. Piggie vs the wolf
  47. My morning thoughts
  48. Writing Prompt – Happiness is..

  49. First kisses and sloppy nightmares
  50. My 50th blog post 😀

Writing Prompt – Happiness is..

The internet is a beautiful thing. It has the cure for every little thing-even a case of writer’s block. For me, it wasn’t really writer’s block. I wanted to write, but I just didn’t have any idea what to write about. So as I was surfing the net, I found this beautiful site, aptly named as Language is a virus. And as I clicked on the Generate New Writing Prompt button, I got a new list every time. And now I’m on the site every time. Most of them are really helpful, some are funny and I get a rush every time I finish one. My favorite one, is write 10 sentences starting with Happiness is.. here it is. 🙂

  1. Happiness is a beautiful love song that plays that just lifts your spirits. It makes you feel giddy as the song plays as if it was for you. Just like this one.
  2. Happiness is finding five pesos after enduring hours of being so hungry. Your stomach grumbles but you know you don’t have enough money. And out of nowhere, a shiny five pesos! Now you can buy bread! (pan de sal anyone?)
  3. Happiness is hearing your favorite song on the radio and just belting out the lyrics like some crazy person. You feel free as you do that dance you do when no one’s watching. 
  4. Happiness is receiving a warm hug after you’ve been crying. You feel that certain warmth seep through your body after crying so hard. Your tears dry on the person’s shoulder, as they say sweet words to calm you down.
  5. Happiness is staring into someone’s eyes and you see their pupils dilate. And that someone is your crush.
  6. Happiness is getting a good grade for something you worked hard on. You just want to fist pump the air and hug your professor so hard they might consider failing you.
  7. Happiness is tasting your favorite ice cream after having a cough for a month. The way the taste melts in your mouth, the way it rolls down your throat.
  8. Happiness is going through your old things, remembering the memories that went with it. Whether good or bad, or something stupid you did then, you know those memories became the reason why you are the way you are.
  9. Happiness is seeing your family happy. Their happiness radiates toward you, and you can’t help but smile with them.
  10. Happiness is laughing so hard with your friends that your stomach and cheeks hurt. But you just can’t stop laughing.

So there’s my list. I hope it somehow brightened your day, and I hope you make a list like that too. It really does make you feel happy. Just remember, happiness is a choice, a choice not everyone makes.  ðŸ™‚