The hands that held mine

Is it wrong to fall in love with someone
because of the way they hold your hand?
I remember when I was younger,
my mom would hold my hand when I crossed the street.
It made me feel safe and protected,
like she wonโ€™t let go until we were safe.
I remember in school,
we were supposed to hold hands when we sang.
The hands were slimy and they smelled bad,
and the feeling was weird.
I remember my friends holding my hand 
when we ran past the guards,
the feeling was exhilarating,
Yet my hands felt empty.
But when he held my hand,
our hands meshed together like a perfect puzzle.
I couldn’t tell the difference between his hand and mine.
He made me feel a thousand emotions at once:
happiness, anxiety, warmth, forever

and most of all, LOVE.
Seriously, is it wrong? I keep falling for him when he holds my hand, 3 years later ๐Ÿ™‚
I know I said I won’t post poems or stories for a while, but I just loved writing this one too much that I had to share it. <3
Original. Copyright.

21 thoughts on “The hands that held mine”

  1. I love this! I remembrance holding my mom&#39;s games too and always feeling safe. I try to do the same thing to my kids. And I love holding my husband&#39;s hand!I love your poem, thanks for sharing!

  2. I think it&#39;s sweet. ๐Ÿ™‚ I remember holding my boyfriend&#39;s hand in high school and being so happy. I also remember holding hands with my husband of many years not long ago when we were out and about with his parents, and it made me happy that his dad was so happy to see us holding hands (not sure why, but he was thrilled, lol). ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I have always been one to say that if you hands don&#39;t feel right, it can&#39;t be right. I love holding my husbands hand.

  4. I loved it so simple and yet so full of emotions. Plus it is possible to fall in love from holding a hand. Every time I hold my son&#39;s hand I fall even more in love with him. From day one when he wrapped he tiny hand around my finger he owned my heart. By the way this poem inspired me off to write.

  5. My husband and I have been together for eleven years now and we still hold hands sometimes. I recent took a photo of my one year old daughter holding her daddies hand as they walked. I am sure it is a cute memory she will keep forever.

  6. It is not wrong….however, you better have a lot more reasons for being in love, LOL. Love is a strange thing but at the end of the day it is all about mutual respect and how you treat each other.

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