“Good evening sir. Ticket please?” I said hoarsely for maybe the hundredth time that night.
The man grumbled as he looked for the small thin strip of paper that was supposed to be in his hands the moment he stepped into the boat. I impatiently wait, looking at the other passengers who are also waiting for the man. I found myself studying him, from his furrowed brow to his scattered bag. This guy seriously needed to relax.
“Here.” He pointedly says, handing me a piece of crumpled paper. I open it delicately, afraid it would get torn apart
“Well? I don’t have all day.”
I force a smile, then I point him to the right direction. He stomps away like a little kid, slamming his bags on his bed. I soon accommodate the others, most of them more gentle than the other guy.
“Take a break Lisa. Let me take over.” Mike says, offering a helpful smile that came out as creepy.
“And let you slack off? No.” I huff, remembering the time I left him in charge. Never gonna happen again.
“Come on. I only took a bathroom break. I didn’t know people would come pouring in.”
I ignore him, knowing it was wiser than to acknowledge his arrogant self. Boredom soon came over, making me use my highlighter to paint my nails.
“Excuse me miss?”
I look up instantly with a smile on my face, afraid to get caught not being “polite” to the passengers. But as I met dark brown eyes with a crinkled forehead, I internally groaned to face Mr. Cranky.
“Yes sir?”
“Where can I ask for beddings?”
I noticed he had a dimple on his left cheek while he talked, and the way he was so stiff and bossy.
“Just continue on this side sir, then turn to the right for the Information table.”
He walks off again, without much of a thank you. Jerk. Minutes later I see him return, his tall frame towering the double beds.
“Good evening passengers. We regret to inform you that we will be leaving an hour after our designated time, as we are still undergoing cargo. We apologize.”
I silently protest, certainly not looking forward to another hour of standing. I see Mike snicker across from me, lounging on one of the seats for the others. Rage begins to grow inside of me, barely holding its lid.
“What?!” Uh oh. Breathe Lisa. I find the courage to look up and begin to apologize to the man, until I realize it was him.
“Uhm, I’m sorry about earlier. I know I acted sourly towards you.” He looked sincere, yet still so stiff. He held two cups of soup on both hands, both steaming with the hot water. “Maybe I could make it up with the soup?”
I couldn’t say no, especially when he showed a smile. It was downright cute, definitely better than the evil tyrant face he wore earlier. Luckily his bed was near my station, and soon we began talking like long lost friends.
“So you were left on port because you got locked in the bathroom?” He bellowed with a laugh. I smacked his arm and tried to shush him, peering around to see the other passengers sleeping on their beds.
“It’s not my fault it’s broken. They should have written that “out of order” note on the door. I got in so much trouble for missing that boat!” I cringed as I remembered that moment.
The overhead speakers soon came to life, zapping me out of retrieving more embarrassing moments to tell the guy beside me. “Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon depart from the port. Employees, please report to the office.”
“That’s my que.” I stood up and began to dust off the biscuit bits from my shirt.
“See you in 5 hours then? Since you can’t see me til after the trip I mean.” He gave me a soft smile, enough to make my heart go kaboom!
I fell asleep during those five hours, dreaming of nameless guy. It kind of sounds stupid that I didn’t get his name, but if we don’t see each other again it won’t be a problem. I begin to do my rounds to my station, as passengers began to exit the boat. He was no where to be found, his bags all gone.
“Lisa! Want to go somewhere before the next boat?”
“Mike. No.”
I walked away, hoping he would just give up.
“Come on Lisa. It’s not like you have another date somewhere.” I began to walk faster, not minding my way. That was until I bumped into him.
“She does have a date, doesn’t she?”
I looked up to see Mr. Cranky turned Mr. Mystery smiling at me, a hopeful look on his face. I looked back at Mike, his face full of annoyance. I slipped my arm through his, and smiled at him.
“Yes, yes I do.”
Dedicated to the snotty woman who checked our boat tickets on the way to Tacloban. She was so grumpy that the creases on her forehead never seemed to go away. So I gave her a fictional love life so she could be happy. 😀
On a very HAPPY sidenote, I finished my book! I sent it to multiple publishers, and I have my fingers crossed so hard that they’re locked together! Haha.
Author: Le-an Lai Lacaba
Relief under OATH
Last weekend I went to Tacloban for a very special mission: I got the chance to help survivors of Haiyan like myself. As most of you know, my family and I have moved to Cebu for the meantime, just until classes start at Tacloban this January.
Thanks to social media, I got in contact with foreigners who had the kind heart to help the survivors, even when they did not know them. After days of canvasing and tying the knots, we finally got to go to Tacloban, almost a month after we left for Cebu. My parents, together with my brother and I traveled five hours by boat and two hours by car. It was completely devastating to see the sight, the fallen trees, roofless houses and the lot. I don’t want to divulge into any other details, because I will be posting some pictures below.
Anyway, it was simply heartbreaking when we reached the town that we were meant to be helping. Their houses were half or all gone, the mountain bare of leaves and destruction was everywhere. And yet, these girls found a reason to smile when I faced them the camera.
Now let us meet Mr. Arturo. He is a father of eight, and a grandfather of many. This is his house after the storm. It has no roof, no windows, and has collapsed.
Moving on and other distracting things
- I made my blog’s Facebook page!
- It may seem small, but I really have always wanted to make my own page. So when I reached my 100th post, I thought, what the heck? It is still in the works, as I am the only one managing it. Like it here and get updates of my blog, and a few random musings from me. Imperfect is Beautiful Facebook Page
- I am pages away from finishing my book!
- With fingers crossed, I hope to finish it by the end of next week. Around December 20 perhaps? Just a few more sleepless nights and a bit of trimming here and there and it’s all done!
- Ever since Haiyan struck, I’ve been having these nightmares of either drowning or failing to save my family from the storm. So far, I’ve had none of these this week. It’s an achievement!
- Just getting through everyday.
- With the world as it is, I think it’s important to learn to appreciate the little things. I’ve always appreciated them since I’m little too (Just 5 feet, hands like a ten year old girl, size 5 shoes) And with random thoughts like mine (imagining how my fictional character would react if her French fry fell to the ground)(probably going to eat it still), I think it’s useless to just mope around and be depressed. It’s a beautiful day everyday, whether it’s raining or snowing(for you guys in the west), something great is bound to happen. I feel like I’m so old with all the things I’m learning and talking about, that I forget I just turned eighteen!
Two sides of the coin
There are two sides to every coin.
When President Aquino stated that our Mayor was unprepared for Haiyan, that was his side of the story. He pointed fingers like a 5 year old child, his middle finger pointing to our beloved mayor. People rallied behind our childish president, and insulted our mayor too.
Let’s flip the coin.
If you’ve been reading my blog for a long time, then you’d know that my first interview as a writer was with the Mayor himself. To say I was in awe by his presence and his train of thought would be an understatement. He was a man with dreams of making Tacloban the best. He took what his predecessor left him and turned it into gold. Tacloban became a model of a great city, a place that boomed with such greatness than it was before. National malls and investors came in, with people moving to Tacloban in hope of a better future. When I was talking to him, he was a man with a purpose, a man with drive. Tacloban became a Highly Urbanized City under his reign.
He was on his final term when Haiyan struck. And it couldn’t have been more of a bad timing.
A week before Haiyan, the officers of Tacloban already began to make plans on how to cope with the storm. They planned out evacuation centers, relief goods and consulted with the mayor about preparedness. On the night before, people were evacuating to the places they were assigned to, complete with the needs of the people such as food and water. Everything was set.
Then all hell broke lose.
After the storm, rumors of the Mayor going around Tacloban in his motorcycle surfaced. His house was practically washed out, his family all in danger. He was a survivor of the storm, and I think a lot of people forgot about that fact.
He then went to his office, only to be faced with other officers and policemen who were still dazed after the storm. Some of them were missing, some were struggling to put a roof over their heads. When he was denied again and again by our president, he was frustrated. When the interior secretary, who is the right hand man of the president, told him to step down and let the national government take over, he said no. He didn’t see the need to step down because as far as he was concerned, the President of the Philippines was also the President of Tacloban. The national government could take over Tacloban without him resigning as Mayor.
And so it began.
The people of Tacloban struggled to eat, as the food from relief went to the provinces where the national government took over. It seemed that the President was leaving Tacloban to fend for itself, all because our Mayor was his political enemy. It was a struggle for Mayor Alfred, as he tried to lift Tacloban on his shoulders. He was either outside his office as he did what he could to save his citizens, or he was fighting demons in the form of out President and his right hand man. It was a feat that no leader had to go through, but he didn’t back out.
Today, there was a hearing to talk about the response to Haiyan. His statements were heartbreaking. Here are some of them: (Mar Roxas is the interior or DILG secretary)
And the reactions of those who were on the President’s side were insensitive. Just like the president. They reacted as if they were there during the storm. Just like the president.
If you can’t understand some of the comments, they’re criticizing the mayor as incompetent. As if they could do better.
So now, the two sides of the coin has been shown to the public and no the public is left to their own opinions. As for me, I stay by our Mayor’s side. I was in Tacloban 8 days after the storm. I can justify to what our Mayor has poured out, as my family and I did not receive any help from the national government the whole time that we were there. If the President really wanted to help, then it would have been felt by our family who struggled everyday to find food for us.
Which side of the coin are you part of?
To those who want to read about the Mayor’s typhoon experience: http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/focus/12/09/13/ghost-tacloban-weeps-recalls-typhoon-horror
Redefining “Victim”
The word victim, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is someone or something that was harmed by an unpleasant event. For us Haiyan survivors, we are not only victims of a natural disaster, but we are also victims of our government.
But nevertheless, we don’t act like we are.
Right after the storm, we, the Taclobanons, did not have time to mourn for what we lost. We began to pick up the pieces, whether those pieces were broken furniture, mud covered clothes or frozen bodies. A few hours after the storm, you’d see people walking down the streets, checking on neighbors , friends and even to those they did not know. We just survived a record breaking storm, yet it didn’t break our spirit.
Because our roads were blocked with debris and our airports were damaged, the relief goods came slow. And with our President being hesitant to help our city because we were “unprepared” for a world record storm, help came slower.
As the days passed by, all eyes were on us. Choppers with cameras began circling our island, with famous TV logos on the side. The world was getting to know our little region, which was once just a dot on the map. Every move was recorded, our stories flashed onto TV. And when citizens began to breaking into grocery stores and malls, scouring for goods and necessities, our President called them “thieves”, and his right hand man asked us what we “needed”, as if he didn’t know what to do during a crisis. As we struggled to survive, our own government judged us and looked at us like we were rats.
And when the smell of the dead began to pollute the air, it was more dreadful. People fled from their houses to find shelter in evacuation centers and homes of friends and relatives. Houses became empty and unguarded. Everything left to the hope that there was something to return to.
Prisoners who escaped during the storm caused anxiety for many, as murderers and convicted criminals walked along the streets with us, their identity unknown. A few days later some of them would do an open fire in a village in the middle of the day, causing people to flee and even leave their vehicles on the side of the road as they stumbled to stay alive.
Soon we would learn that in this calamity, we were all equal. No one was rich, no one was poor. We were all on ground zero. Big houses were easily flicked by the storm surges, along with the small houses of people who were less privileged. Even our own politicians were victims, struggling to make each day count as they served the people who like them, lost something.
And to our Mayor who was on his third and final term, he lost almost everything he worked for the time he was in office.
But the problems were just beginning. We were short on medical help because the doctors and nurses were victims themselves. Our policemen were either missing or struggling to put a roof over their heads. Our schools were used as evacuation centers, some buildings lucky enough to not have at least one dead body inside. Our leaders were victims too, some unable to carry on with their duty as they coped with what happened.
But survive we shall.
Soon international aid came flying through our skies, bringing promise and hope. But when our government finally stepped in, they made these aids do a detour. Though planes after planes came everyday, my family and I never received even a small can of sardines from them. Rumors of these goods said that they were sent to the town next to us, whose former Congressman was apparently close with the President. But Taclobanons stood strong, through the hunger and the loss.
Most survivors fled to the main cities, boarding army planes or traveling by land. Some, travelled by foot. There was nothing left, they would say. And in truth, there really was nothing left. As one famous local reporter said right after the storm: “Tacloban is now a wasteland.”
A few days later there was talk of Martial Law, where the military and the President would take over our city. Police cars and army trucks from all over the country began to fill our streets. Soon a curfew was implemented. No one was allowed to roam the streets after eight in the evening, but the streets were open at five in the morning. And just when we thought that we were safe, rumors of multiple break-ins, murders and rape began to surface. I remember waking up to policemen firing their guns at a suspect, as they ran through our street. Restless nights began to take over the people, as they stood watch for their houses and of their neighbors. It was like a neighborhood nightwatch, with the people helping each other in the time of need. It was dead silent at night, as people anticipated of what was to come.
For those who seeked refuge in other cities, some were shunned when they asked for help by government centers. They struggled to adjust and find a place to live. Some found a home in a relative’s house, but some unlucky ones did not. It was a second life for all of us and most of us were starting from scratch.
The dead were collected and buried, but thousands of them are still undiscovered and some were buried into people’s backyards. Our government told everyone that only thousands have died, when it should be ten thousands. Lies were told to “calm” people down, when it really angered us, questioning the competence of our politicians.
Through Haiyan, we have learned about the people we’ve elected, and those who should have been elected. We have learned to not depend on the government, and grew a bond with other survivors. Haiyan showed us that though we are from different walks of life, we all have lost something, connecting us in some sort of way. The storm that was supposed to break our hearts, strengthened us with a new found hope that tomorrow was another day.
And now, a month later, we still struggle. Though help is slow and the government betraying us and showing their true colors, we stay firm. Though the sound of gunshots still echo through our streets, we are brave. Though food and drinking water is scarce, we do what we can to keep our family upfloat. Stores are slowly opening, oil companies are sending their trucks, and people are making the best of what is given. People from different parts of the country have settled here, to help with what they could. There is always a rainbow after the rain, a beam of hope that beats through every Filipino’s heart.
Though we are victims, we never act as defined. We are survivors, struggling to stand even though our legs are weak. We have redefined what being a “victim” is. We may be weak, we may have been battered with the calamity, we may be hungry for the truth, our hope for the future is unshaken. We are survivors, and though what it left is barely enough, we find strength to make it through.
Since I can’t seem to find a newspaper to publish this (I’ve submitted this to four publications) since it bluntly says the truth of what happened, I have shared it here. I hope you share this, since the media has already told enough fiction and I think the world deserves the truth.
Appreciating Silence
The clatter of spoon and fork resounded through the candlelit room; the utensils fighting to get hold of the viand. Soft exchanges were made, as mouth delighting food entered the sources of the voices. The light played on the faces of my family and relatives, with most of them had happy faces on despite of what we went through. When I stood up from the table, the heaviness of what I have indulged settled in my stomach, and I was thankful for the blessing.
I opened the front door, the cool breeze entering the house. The moonlight bounced on the dark streets, as cars zoomed past us and their lights illuminating the road they covered. I dragged a chair outside, as the others began to join in. This was an unspoken schedule with all of us, that we would go onto the porch after dinner.
The soft sound of my sister’s ukulele began to fill the silence, as we began to join in the singing. The houses in front of us were either missing a window or a roof, while a little blaze filled their rooms. The stars above us painted a Van Gough like scenery, as they twinkled and danced for us. It has been a long time since I’ve seen stars like these, without all the artificial light.
Soon there would be a moment of silence. We don’t really plan it. It’s just one of those things that just happen. In between the exchange of stories about the city and the typhoon, there is a moment of silence. With our departure from our beloved city just a day away, there was a sense of nostalgia. We all knew that nothing in Tacloban would be the same again when we come back.
When the only sound of crickets playing their tune surrounded us, we were all quiet. Curfew was not for another 10 minutes, so we stayed silent. We remember the home we left behind, as we sought shelter in a relative’s home. We think about what was ahead, a temporary life in another island.
In the midst of our silence, a star decides to graze the sky, leaving behind a trail of light. We are all left in awe, a wish beating inside of us. As eight in the evening strolled around, we decided to retire to our beds. And as I closed that door, I gazed at the sky for a moment. It was amazing how it was the sky that took away almost everything, yet it gave us hope that wishes can still come true. When I fell asleep that night, the darkness and deafening silence my only companion, I begin to appreciate the silence, the simplicity it can offer. And even in silence, a lot can be said. With the silence of that star who died in front of us gave us life, a beam of hope to move on.
This was during the sixth day after Haiyan, the day we booked a flight to leave on the eighth day. There was no electricity (until now), and we only had music to entertain us. The shooting star seemed symbolic, and it looked so near to us. The wonders of nature.
100 words for the 100th blog post
I don’t have much to say
I’m just thankful I got here anyway
A hundred posts about love’s complicated things.
I shared my thoughts and stories,
and pulled a lot of heartstrings.
I just want the world to know,
that love is more than glass slippers and skin as pale as snow.
With my dream to be a writer just within my reach,
I promise not to forget you when I become rich.
And now the word count has reached eighty,
I’m going to end this with a simple phrase from me.
Write til your heart runs out of ink..
My mother went to Tacloban last weekend to check on how things are, since the media has shown us that Tacloban is getting back to “normal”. Our Interior Secretary, Mar Roxas, even said that “The worst is over.” I was hoping for some good news from my mom, like how we could go home earlier as planned.
How wrong I was.
According to her, Tacloban was far from okay. The pictures and videos that were shown on the TV were all chosen spots in the city. The stench of the dead still remained, as some of the dead were buried under debris or were still not taken by authorities. There were still news of robbery and murder, by desprate people who are in need of shelter and food. The offices are not yet functional, since there were no computers to use. The people walked like zombies, their eyes sunken and their direction had no goal. Trash were mixed with the bodies, and a lot of towns were still not passable. There are still boats on the shoreline that trampled houses and the schools have become homes for those who lost theirs.
So where was the millions of money donated by the international aid?
Probably deep in the pockets of those who were meant to give them to the public. Most of the Taclobanons, including my dad who have stayed their for over a week to guard our house, have not received any goods. None. Nada. We don’t have available house materials, which meant that the people’s houses could not be rebuilt. It was still chaos in Tacloban, and we are no where near to normal.
When it was night, it was dead silent. You could hear a pebble being thrown from two houses away. Since there was a curfew, no one roamed the streets. Yet you’d hear someone screaming in the distance. You’d hear gunshots. It was terribly terrifying, yet people of Tacloban endured it.
And now that the international media has left our grounds, we are all being fooled by our local media, some controlled by the government. There is no truth, all bias.
The whole world needs to know that Tacloban is far from being normal. That what are fed to the others are lies. Other survivors are either dying from hunger, or have been killed. My mother and father are witnesses to the lies of the media and the government. I hope you share this, to show that we are still struggling. We cannot stand when we’re being crippled by the media.
Tacloban will rise, but only if we are properly helped.
The End
According to the movie Mr. And Mrs. Smith, “In the end, you start to think about the beginning.”
So when you’re dangling from a cliff and you’re deathly afraid of heights, you think about what got you there. You rack your brain to remember where your worries began, and in the end you blame the guy who drove you crazy enough to get yourself stuck on the edge of a cliff. And in my case, he was Kent Clark. No, he’s not superman. Though he did rock that “S” logo on his right arm. I should have known guys with tatoos were up to no good.
And as cliche as it might sound, I still fell for the bad boy.
It was great in the beginning. It always is. Though he was high tempered and was constantly on his man period, it was great. Sure, he liked pushing my buttons, but I liked pushing his buttons too.
But when he started making dangerous sports a usual thing during our dates and threatening to date other girls if I said no, it started to go down hill. And then he started to smoke in my face just to get a cough out of me, then he’d laugh making more smoke smother my face. And when I saw a red underwear in his apartment even though we’ve never had sex, I drew the line.
“The underwear is for you! So you would..” He paused, then whispered in a small voice. “Maybe move in with me.”
“And you gave me a freaking underwear? Could not have given just a simple flower or something?” His lips were suddenly on mine, completely shutting me up.
“Did you just hear what I said? I asked you to move in with me, something I’ve never done with any of my exes, and you’re mad because I gave you underwear instead of flowers? Anyone can give you flowers babe. But no other guy who is in love with you would buy you underwear.”
I admit that all my anger melted and went down the drain, because that was the first time he said he loves me. But the anger began to rise again when he lighted another cigarette.
Now back to the present, with my strength draining with every second as I dangled. I let out a frustrated sigh, as I began to scream for help. My voice was becoming hoarse by now, as I prayed for help to come.
Finally! Someone’s here!
“Samantha it’s Kent! Where are you?”
Oh how cliche. Superman saves the day. I hear rustling of leaves, and soon his maniacal laugh.
“Sam, what are you doing?” He says in between his laughter. Jerk.
“Hanging from a cliff that you asked me to climb. Now would you please save me?”
“You do know you have about a one feet distance from the ground right?”
For the first time since I landed in this predicament, I looked down.
“Oh.” I hopped down, and surely enough I was safe. How embarrassing. Surely enough my supposed to be Superman was smirking at me.
“Awwe. My girl is afraid of heights.” He teased.
“No I’m not!” I screamed like a five year old girl.
“Well let’s see.” He began to pick me up bridal style, and began to carry me to the end of the hill. I felt safe in his arms, those muscles that..
“Put me down Jerk!” He merely chuckled, and then flashed me that evil smile of his. We were just at the edge, and I began to grip onto his suit.
“Tell me you love me baby, and I might just let you down safely.”
“Over my dead body.”
He literally jumped, and I hanged on to him for dear life. I screamed his ear off as he tugged on his parachute. Well, here’s to the end all over again.
Yehey! My first story not related to Haiyan 😀
Never had a chance.
Always making people glance.
Their smell is nose scrunching
The sight stomach hurling
Their skin surely as cold as ice
Their color as black as the mice
Never with a proper goodbye
No one in exception,
Whether if you were a girl or a guy.
Hundreds of them still missing,
Our government barely doing anything.
Frozen lined up on the streets,
Still and unmoving,
Covered in sheets.
Taken by Haiyan.
But not forgotten.
One of the hardest parts of being a survivor, is seeing those who were not lucky enough to pull themselves out of the deathly cold waters. Everyday I would see people passing by, with a body on a blanket, carried on their shoulders. The churches were lined up with the dead, and the morgue, running out of caskets, have no choice but to wait for the Department of Health to collect the bodies.
Frozen, they all are.