Book lovin’ babe

Aren’t just there moments in your life when you finish a book and you sigh and think, “I want to read that again.”?

That’s the power of a book. And being an eighteen year old girl who has read more books that the hair follicles on her hair, I know all about it. Funny thing, I first loved writing before I loved reading. Maybe it was because we didn’t have a proper bookstore in our city when I was younger. All I had were my mother’s monthly Reader’s Digest, and a few Sweetvalley High books. But once I got into college three years ago and two bookstores opened up in the city, I piled up on books. And when I discovered e-books, I read more.

Addicted? Yes.

But one day though, I’d love to read my own book like I’ve never seen it before. Like I just bought the book for the heck of it, forgetting that I even wrote it.

Now that I’ve read 600 or so books, I’d love to read more. So I’m going to try and do some book reviews. Free books for my opinion sounds like a great idea.

Another reason I’m going to be a book blogger is that I’m taking a pause from posting my stories and poems online. Every writing competition seems to require that every entry has to be unpublished, so I’m going to take a break for a while. But fear not! Whenever I get published, I’d post it here immediately!

Here’s my new blog, Book Lovin’ Babe! I’m still working out the kinks ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Now off to more reading!

Care to recommend me to author’s who’d like to get their books reviewed? ๐Ÿ˜€

19 thoughts on “Book lovin’ babe”

  1. I am sorry to hear that I won't be reading your stories for a while because you truly are talented, but I will look forward to your reviews ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I love reading as well; I always tell myself to stop and go to bed but I can't help it when the story gets too good. I have no idea why a lot of people nowadays don't take the time to read; it's actually very fun!

  3. Love that Someecard. We had a book store and I still read those Sweet Valley High books. I don't know what it is about them. . .Congrats on the new blog!

  4. I love that cartoon! I have some books that I've written that I've been thinking about trying to bring back out in the open again. : )

  5. I love books hubby even tells me i love them more then him as i'll stay up all night reading but fall asleep talking to

  6. I can not recall the last time I read a book for pleasure. Hopefully soon thing swill settle down a bit. There are quite a few good groups to join to review books though, I found several through searches.

  7. A little change for a while might just turn out to be a lot of fun. Especially, reviewing books! I get pitched once in a while for book reviews, so I will try to send the good ones your way. Do you like recipe books too?

  8. I've always been a voracious reader—so much so that I attempted to start a "what I'm reading" section on my blog and couldn't keep up with it! I completely relate to this illustration.

  9. It's really great that you love to read so much, it's much better than watching TV all the time. I used to love reading books everyday. I really need to set aside some time and get back to reading even more!

  10. When I was in high school I read the book push in one day. I can't remember exactly what it was caught utmost attention, but I could not put that book down

  11. I have these issues!!! Staying up all night to read a book… or falling in love with the characters after only a few chapters or even a few pages! GUILTY!

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